
Fairways available for ships arriving to the port from north and south.

Photo: Jaakko Salo

Two fairways connecting on the southeast side of the Vaasa lighthouse lead safely to the port of Vaasa from both north and south. Both fairways provide a draft of 9 metres for vessels. The width of the fairway is at its narrowest 100 m and there are no air draft limits. The total length of the fairway is about 32 nautical miles (60 km) and the distance that requires pilotage assistance is 24 nautical miles from the north and 25 nautical miles from the south. There is no tide in the port, but the mean water level can vary between -60 cm and + 110 cm. The maximum permissible width of a vessel is 29 m and the maximum length for ships is 200 m. Possibility of anchoring on the outer parts of the fairway.

More information about Vaasa fairway (link)