Waste management in Umeå port
In the port of Umeå, we receive waste from our visiting ships. The ship-generated waste is received in accordance with the Swedish Maritime Administration's regulations and general advice (TSFS 2023:15) on receiving waste from ships. The regulations and our routines are there to ensure that the waste is taken care of in the most environmentally correct way possible. Therefore, we think it as an important task to maintain a high level of service and to ensure that the ships can easily dispose of the waste generated on the journey to the port of Umeå.
The waste declaration must be submitted in connection with the ship notification. Ship registration and submission of the waste declaration must be done no later than 24 hours before arrival.
How do you dispose of waste in the port of Umeå?
- A waste declaration Pdf, 145 kB. is filled in and sent by e-mail to umeaseatraffic@kvarkenports.com no later than 24 hours before arrival. The declaration can be signed either digitally in the form or physically. However, the declaration must always be submitted digitally.
You can find forms for the waste declaration here:
waste declaration. Pdf, 145 kB. - The port confirms the notification via e-mail and assigns a time for waste disposal.
- When the waste is received, you will receive help to put the waste correctly and at the same time it will be checked that what is left matches the waste that has been reported.
- When the waste has been received and checked, you will be sent a digital waste receipt.
- The port reports the waste to the Environmental Protection Agency's waste register.
Questions about the operational waste management in the port of Umeå?
Contact Marcus Wincent
Port Control Umeå
+46 70 511 22 78

Questions about how waste management should be done or how to fill in the waste declaration?
Contact Viktoria Larsson
Port Engineer Environment Umeå